Logo Tomatocult


Chef stellato Tomatocult
The blog TomatoCult was created within the project Made in Med that aims at the discovery and dissemination of the values typical of the Mediterranean culture of food, through the promotion of a virtuous partnership involving producers, consumers and large-scale distribution.

The project has 5 objectives:

TomatoCult Blog was born to aim these objectives, focused entirely on the tomato, which connects producers and final consumers, giving consumers the opportunity to get to know the world of production through photo shoots, interviews and video ad hoc and so to know what's behind the product they consume. The blog also contains curiosity about the world of tomato, scientific information and information about health, creative ideas on how to use the tomato in kitchen. A section is dedicated to the great chefs and their recipes that have as their main ingredient tomato.

Made in Med and blog TomatoCult have been created and promoted by MedHermes Seeds, an independent company that operates with his own research in the sector of professional vegetable seeds. (website of the company www.medhermes.net).