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Tatin Cake of tomatoes

Pubblished bykageja

You wash the tomatoes, and cut you them to half. Prepare them downward on the fund of a baking-pan with the skin, you try to cover completely the fund of the baking-pan not leaving empty spaces, to do this you can slightly compress the tomatoes. Salty, peppery and seasoned with a thread of oil. Batches for around half of hour and then dry the tomato.
You remove the baking-pan from the oven, the liquid that the tomatoes will have produced throw away. Cover you them with the Gruyere. In the meantime you will have stretched the pasta brisée in an enough circle to cover the baking-pan, fairies to the centre of it a small great circular hole as a filbert. You smear the pasta with a veil of mustard to the ancient one.
You cover the tomatoes with this circle of pasta; the side with the mustard it must go in low. Batches again and you still cook around half of hour.
When the Tatin cake of tomatoes will be cooked, get away from the oven and deform it on a course dish, in this way the tomatoes will return aloft. Decorated with some leaf of basil torn with the hands and you immediately serve.

SOURCE: www.buttalapasta.it