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Cherry tomato: to a full of taste and precious nutrients.

Pubblished bykageja

Look as a cherry with herring-bone bunch, with round, small, bright red fruits, exceptional taste, crispy pulp consistency, excellent keeping quality of fruits, shine, precious nutritional content… these are some characteristics that make unique cherry tomato, belonging to Solanaceae’s family , that presents a marked capacity of adaptation to climatic differences, enough to be able well both in under shelter cultivation implemented in the South in winter period, and in summer cultivation in open field, in all italian countries.

Bittersweet, refreshing, thirst-quenching, diuretic, thanks to lycopeneand carotene presence, it defends organism from damages caused by free raficals and it has an anti-cancer effect. Cherry tomato, with intense and persistent aromatic flavour, has anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory properties, protecting from cardiovascular deseases and cognitive deficit; it’s suggested in slimming diet for its small caloric intake (it contains 16 Kcal every 100g of product).

CHERRY TOMATO COP. C Vitamin has repairer and regenerative action, the rich mineral salt presence has balancing and detoxifying action.
It, thanks to potassium, is perfect to whom plays sports, preventing muscle cramps, keeping bones, teeth and blood vessels helthy. In addition, it protects  cells from ageing. How to consume it? Fresh with fruitbecause of its particularly sweet pulp; in salads, whole or cut in half, as appetizer, simply to give a splash of colour to dishes or to season pizza.

CHERRY TOMATO 1. In summer it’s perfect to fresh pasta with the addition of olives, cappers and a little extra-virgen olive oil. To freeze cherry tomato : peel them, cut them or break them into small pieces and boil them. After cooling them down, freeze them in a bag in the freezer, getting the air out well. In the fridge, in fruit and vegetable compartment, they are savedin small paper bags , until one week. 

Source: http://www.meteoweb.eu