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Tomato, red well-being

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Detox, purifier, antiage. Tomato owes its virtues to a mix of betacarotene, C vitamin, potassium, lycopene, acids ( malic and tartaric), precious substances that make it a super food and a precious ally for skin, hair, circulation. It also works as “ supplement” for external way, in the form of bath, compress, mask. It has a standard feature: the rapid action. So it’s a first aid of health and beauty, to be selected taking account of two features: quality and proper ripering.

The detox
Tomato treatment that has an intensive detox action  lasts from three to seven days, it plans that one of the main meals ( lunch or dinner) is based exclusively on this vegetable: 300-400 g, seasoned with extra virgin olive oil. Tomato acids work together with carotinifaciens             ( forerunner of A vitamin), supporting toxins elimination. Potassium, selenium and other trace-elements stimulate kidneys and intestine.

Slimming and antiaging juice

The drinking tomato juice, very common in north America, Scandinavia and generally in Anglo-Saxon countries, is strangely unusual in Italy, it’s only associated with happy hour. It really is a real concentrate of carotinifaciens, selenium, phosphorus, zinc , together with organic axcids.

For those who are on a diet: a glass twice a day as a snack supports diuresis, clears up, keeps up metabolic activity.

For those who have sensitive skin: a glass of tomato juice a day is recommended to those who have sensitive, dry, or tending to blotches skin. Infact it carries out a moistouizing action and it reinforces natural defences.

To oppose premenstrual syndrome: in this case 1-2 drinking glasses are reccomended in the week before the menses appear.
Selenium, beta carotene, potassium and organic acids of tomato juice improve the performance of endorphins, substances self-produced by organism to oppose the pain.

Cosmetic treatments

Here it is three alternative uses of tomato for do it yourself cosmetics that make skin and hair beautiful.
Tomato bath reinforces capillaries and tones up.

To boil a kilo of tomatoes in two litres of water for 10 minutes, then to strain them in vegetable mill and to keep cooking water, rich in potassium and organic acids. To plunge in a bath of luke warm water to which it is added cooking water. To massege cooked and strained tomato on the skin with a sponge, as if it is a bubble bath. To stay plunged for 10-15 minutes, then to rinse with fresh water.

The nutrient face compress nourishes and moisturizes the face skin to deep.

To blend a ripe tomato with 2 spoons of jojoba oil. To spread the obtained mixture on the face, avoing around the eyes. To leave on for 5 minutes, then to rinse with luke warm water.

The hair mask strenghtens and purifies

To blend a ripe tomato (200g for medium hair) and to add a spoon of sodium bicarbonate. To apply on hair that still hasn’t been washed and to leave on for 5 minutes, wrapping the head with a gauze. To shampoo and to rinse carefully. Citric acid and malic acid contained in tomato, together with cellulose contained in the peels make hair light and easy to comb.