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Mysterious sprigs grow from tomatoes bought at supermarket

Pubblished bykageja

Sprigs grow from tomatoes bought at supermarket. The singular and mysterious discovery was done by a reader’s relative, who attached some photos to an e-mail where she tells the strange story. “ My grandmother did shopping at a popular supermarket of Prato about two weeks ago – she writes – there were essential products as fruit, meat and some tomatoes in the shopping list. After some 10 days later from the purchase, my grandmother opened a tomato and thinking it was addled, she discards it. Later, taking another one, she noticed that it was as the previous tomato. Digging more inside the tomato it could be noticed some roots similar to “hair balls”.

“My grandmother – she continues the story – adviced the members of family and after doing some controls we realized that some real sprigs were born in the other 3 remaining tomatoes, they had the roots inside and come out with the stern from the same tomato.” The question that arises is: are we informed about what we really eat?

To attenuate the insurgence of possible scaremongering, we specify that it could be a case of “haired tomato”. it is a condition that can normally happen when a tomato is forgotten somewhere: if the vegetable doesn’t get moldy and the environmental condition are right, it can be that ripe seems recover from the dormant state and sprout inside the fruit, with a result very similar to that in the photo.

source: http://iltirreno.gelocal.it