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Red gold, tomato is worth 400 millions of euro

Pubblished bykageja

400 millions of euro is the price of tomato harvested in Italy in 2014.
A production of more than 4,9 millions of tonnes, 2,6 millions of them were produced only in the District of Northen Tomato, in a large part in the area of Parma and Piacenza, for a price of about 200 millions of euro. Italy proves itself one among the first world producers and the absolute queen of tomato in Europe, where more than 50% of product is made in Italy. These are the numbers of tomato announced in Piacenza during the presentation of “RedGold”, the festival that from 2 to 4 October will crowd the roads and the squares in Piacenza with exibitions, meetings, special guests and greedy initiatives to celebrate the excellence of the principal ingredient of mediterranean diet. In catwalk it will be “not an ordinary tomato” but that from North Italy.

Source: http://www.viaemilianet.it