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Super-tomato created to prevent cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer

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Is food able to prevent cancers? Science thinks about it. Two super tomatoes have been produced that are able to prevent a series of illnesses among them Alzheimer, diabetes and cancer.
The first tomato provides the same quantity of resveratrol ( known for its antioxidant properties) contained in 50 bottles of red wine.
The second one has the same geneistina – a compound of soy that helps to prevent breast cancer – of 2,5 kg of tofu.
The key for the creation of the super tomatoes, DailyMail explains, is a protein called AtMYB12. The level of phenylpropanoids, a group of antioxidants, increases with this protein.
Our study – said Cathie Martin, professor at John Innes Centre in Norwich, in England- provides an instrument to produce compounds of phenylpropanoids in laboratory in industrial quantities. Our work will involve several fields, among them the study of medicinal plants.

Source: http://www.milanopost.info