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Immagine Ricetta

The spaghetti with juice of dry tomatoes

Pubblished bykageja

You husk the parsley, wash it and mince it; you reduce the dry tomatoes to cubes, holding aside 2 of it whole to garnish; you peel the clove of garlic and mince it.
You boil the spaghetti in a pot with salty hot water for 6 minutes. You hold aside 3 spoons of water of cooking, that you will use subsequently, and versed again the pasta in the same container. You unite the oil of olive, the minced parsley, the minced dry tomatoes, the sauce of tomato, the garlic, salt and pepper and the water of cooking that you have held aside to the spaghetti. The pasta's cooking continued for a few minutes to moderate fire and mix it with a fork.
Finally pour it on a course dish and serve it well warm, garnishing aside with the 2 kept dry tomatoes and some leaf of parsley.

SOURCE: http://www.buonissimo.org/