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The Tomato Piennolo becomes a cosmetic against aging

Pubblished bykageja

The Tomato Piennolo, also known as the Vesuvio’s Red Gold has become a cosmetic, a facial daily cream that has special characteristics in order to make the skin smooth and polished, protecting it from aging.
The product is called ‘O Piennolo, it came up from the workshop Officina Italica. The cream was launched last 20th November during the exhibition abroad in Fuorigrotta, at the conference in the Pharmaexpo event “Journey to the heart of the perfume: from the birth of the perfume to its cosmetically use ”. The event was at 14.30 in the Amalfi room and it counted with the participation of the dermatologist Francesca Romano.
Officina Italica is a cosmetic brand exclusively distributed in pharmacies. It is a brand that tries to improve the “Made in Italy” and the territorial excellence, combining tradition and innovation. The three founders, Joseph Fusco (pharmaceutical from Portici, near Naples), Tommaso Sansoni (molecular biologist from Tuscany) and Matteo Dal Bosco (originally pharmacist fromTrentino), decided that each product from Officina Italica must represent an Italian region.
Therefore, for the Campigna, we own 'O Piennolo, the facial cream that uses lycopene, an antioxidant found in Vesuvius’ tomatoes that fights against free radicals that are responsible for aging. Another innovation is a nice texture that reaches consumer tastes, thus giving silicone texture.

Source: http://www.vesuviolive.it