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Health: 10 pieces of cooked tomatoes prevent prostate cancer

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Feeding our bodies is a key element for our health. According to a recent study, consuming at least 10 pieces of cooked tomatoes per week reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer by 20-25%. The research involved 14,000 patients and was presented in Rome by Richard J.Ablin from the University of Arizona College of Medicine, the inventor of the PSA exam, Vincenzo Fogliano, Professor of Food Chemistry at the University 'Federico II of Naples and several international experts, who gave an updated vision of the clinical situation of each patient suffering from cancer. Researchers studied some micronutrients benefits of tomatoes, including the chetosamine that have an antioxidant very important. The discovery is very important, since cancer affects one in every 20 men aged 50 to 69 years. According to the estimates given, many eating habits, such as excessive consumption of meat and dairy products, are factors predisposing to cancer. On the contrary a balanced consumption of fruit and vegetables counteracts the onset of the disease. The perfect combination would be a tomato and olive, which would help to not give rise to the tumor, to maintain the well-being of the prostate without calorie overload.

Source: http://www.meteoweb.eu