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El tomate: un auténtico concentrado de sustancias beneficiosas

Pubblished bykageja

The tomato is the fruit of Solanum lycopesicum, a herbaceous annual plant from the family Solanaceae. The first crops were developed along the Andes  and ancient people like the Aztecs and the Incas can be counted among its early cultivators. Imported by Spanish conquistadors in the 500 's, the tomatoes were used in the early days, only for ornamental purposes, as they are considered poisonous, so not eatable.
Used in Italy in the preparation of sauces and soups since 600 's, in  the rest of Europe tomatoes were used as food by 700 onwards. The name tomato, which is literally "golden apple" was, however, introduced for the first time by Pier Andrea Mattioli, one of the fathers of botany. Full of water, the tomato is a real concentrate of nutrients. Many of its properties are due to lycopene, which is concentrated mainly in the skin.
Natural antioxidant, it has anti-cancer, counteracts the effects of aging and the loss of tissue elasticity, fights free radicals. Tomatoes are remineralizing, for the note component of iron, zinc, selenium, phosphorus and calcium, refreshing and purifying, removing the dross in excess. In addition, they stimulate digestion, activates salivation and, thanks to the fibers, stimulates intestinal motility, helping in case of constipation and sluggish bowel. Its juice, squeezed and drank in the morning, relieves, moreover, disorders associated with kidney stones, is an excellent tonic, fights rheumatism and gout.
The tomato solves the problems of slow digestion and low gastric acidity (for the same reason it is contraindicated for those suffering from ulcers or gastritis). Rich in sulfur, plays a detoxifying, thanks to the potassium helps the body to regain the water balance, maintains healthy nerves, heart and muscles, and helps to regulate blood pressure and reducing hypertension. Its pleasant aroma can stimulate appetite, vitamin A is beneficial to view, and vitamin B promotes the replacement and cellular oxygenation. Tomatoes can be stored dried, the natural form of the classic tomato puree, jam or in the version as ketchup.

Source : http://www.meteoweb.eu