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Guarantee stamp for the Sicilian tomatoes quality

Pubblished bykageja

They call it guarantee stamp. Not to be confused with some quality brands that formally are another thing. However, we are there. The difference is because this guarantee stamp is about the production of tomato so we can say that has the same characteristics as a quality brand. It's called Synergy and was launched by fifteen large companies in the area of Vittoria in the province of Ragusa and three technical partners Syngenta (multinational company that deals with cutting-edge genetics, crop protection, auxiliary insects, and so on), Sata (agronomists company that provides training and technical assistance), Siriac (fertilizers and technical means for agriculture).
The stated objective, which sees fielded the chain of fresh tomato market, is to "provide consumers with fruit and vegetables that meet the needs of real quality, taste, naturalness and food security." That is why the Synergies warranty seal is granted only under precise conditions of quality, sustainability and taste. The idea is to give benefit to this product by working on the innovation of varieties but especially on marketing and the results, say the managers of member companies, have arrived: these products are raving consumers in mature markets such as Germany, Austrian and Swiss.

Over 4000 tons of tomatoes "guaranteed"

The producers or traders that are linked to Synergies can guarantee an annual production of 4,200 tons of tomato (from the mini San Marzano to datterini, from Piccadilly to ox heart).  They already have a target market: there is a group (composed of nine companies) that already has a contact with large retail and can count on an average turnover between 10 million to twenty million euro. A second group of companies (the remaining six), which instead has an average turnover of 500 spleen EUR one million (including all other business activities). "Synergies - explains Marco Cantoni, horticultural manager of Syngenta in Italy - is the integrated production system that testifies the uniqueness and high quality along the supply chain of fresh market tomatoes. A program that combines the quality of productions, with attention to health and the environment, now developed and tested for 4 years on different varieties grown in Sicily, with results always very encouraging in the various segments. Now on the market with a wide range of varieties on traditional segments such as San Marzano, beefsteak and vine tomato that on the most sought after specialties like the mini San Marzano, red plum and orange and colorful specialties. "

Source: http://food24.ilsole24ore.com