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Against the man's infertility, a special pill made of tomato can help.

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The lycopene is a substance that gives the red color to these vegetables. The special pill will be tested at the University 'of Sheffield, in the UK, where a team led by Allan Pacey, a leading British expert of infertility in men, is recruiting 60 male volunteers. University students and staff of the University between 18 and 30, will take part in an experiment that will last three months.
Participants will be divided in two groups, one received twice a day the pill lycopene modified, the other a placebo.

"This study will tell whether lycopene improves the quality of the sperm already in development, reducing the damage to the DNA, and produces an increase in the total number of mature spermatozoa - Pacey explains - are cautiously optimistic, if it will work after the volunteers consider the opportunity to test it on infertile "men.

The premises, referring to the findings of other studies, seem to be good.
A recent research published by fertility specialists at the Cleveland Clinic, in Ohio, has shown that lycopene can increase the quality of the sperm and 70% Pacey adds that other studies have also indicated that this substance can slow the progression of prostate cancer and enlargement of the prostate itself, which causes bladder problems in older men.

Source: http://gds.it