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Where do the tomatoes we eat come from?

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To know where the food we eat comes from it is important to know that, for example: there is a big difference between the egg that comes from a chicken from an organic farm and from a chicken battery farm. Often, some raw materials from abroad, due to their competitive prices and questionable quality are found in our supermarkets, such as flour from Eastern Europe. Unfortunately, this is also the case of tomatoes, or more specific the tomato paste used to prepare sauces and so on. In fact, the tomato paste used in the Italian preparations comes from Spain, Portugal, Greece, California and China. In 2015, in fact, it increased by 379% on imports of Chinese tomato concentrate, reaching about 67 million pounds, equivalent to 10% of the national production of fresh tomato equivalent. Last year, a service created by Reservoir Dogs had created a stir, scraping a gloomy picture in which it seemed that almost everything found in tomato sauce comes from China. The video highlights the fact that the Chinese tomato concentrate contains a higher amount of pesticides ten times that provided by European law.
Leaving aside these apocalyptic data that has been found in food from China, later it arrives in Italy. According to Coldiretti, these products are used in tomato sauce, used on pizza, with mozzarella cheese made in Lithuania with rennet. Those issues made Italy to designate the pizza as a heritage of humanity, in order to defend "the Italian spirit", also in the ingredients.
Coming back to Chinese tomato, to ensure that the product we take is eatable and not expired, like a sauce or a tomato sauce and be sure that contains only good ingredients we should always read the label and find the words "tomato with 100% Italian ingredients" or something similar. But be careful: the words "made in Italy" are not enough, because they do not indicate the origin of raw materials.

Source: http://faidatecittadino.it