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Natural skin scrub with tomato

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Anyone who suffers from acne, pimples, black points, oily skin, redness, brown spots, wrinkles of expression should try this all-natural scrub that can light up the skin, tighten pores, lighten acne, remove pimples and points blacks. This recipe will be able to act as a natural anti-aging, leaving the skin soft and smooth.

The main ingredient is tomato, rich in antioxidants that can fight against free radicals responsible for skin damage. Tomato, when applied topically, slows the damage at the cellular level. The PH balance of tomato juice that of the skin, its acidity dries oily pores and lightens the stains. Then cut a tomato in half, rub it on your face for about two minutes then rinse.

You have to do a deep cleansing, take a ripe red tomato, squeeze it into a bowl and add the sugar, stirring carefully. This is the best recipe for oily skin.

For the most sensitive skin instead of sugar, add honey and a teaspoon of almond oil.
Wash the skin well before applying the mixture you should heat in a saucepan. Do not forget your neck. Be Steady twice a week so you can say goodbye to expensive creams and ointments as well as to obtain a skin that will cause envy.

Source: http://www.dottorsport.info