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Tomato sauce with olive oil: the winning combination to raise HDL

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The tomato is a food commonly found in our table as well as a basic ingredient of many dishes. It is also useful in preventing numerous health problems, which is also called "super food". Of registered Spaniards surveyed 40 healthy subjects were divided randomly into three groups: body weight, the first gave 7.0 g of raw tomatoes, the second group of 3.5 g of tomato sauce and the third group 3.5 g of tomato sauce seasoned with olive oil. Subjects were monitored for four days. The results showed that it is sufficient a single intake of tomato, as such or as a sauce for a reduction in total plasma cholesterol, triglyceride and various inflammatory biormarker. In addition, it saw an increase in HDL cholesterol and interleukin 10 (IL-10), especially in the group that took over the sauce seasoned with olive oil.
The effects of tomato in blood parameters regarding healthy subjects
A study published in nutrients, Palmira Valderas-Martinez and colleagues Spanish researchers. 40 subjects, 19 men and 21 women, with an average age of 28 years (± 11) and a (BMI) BMI of 23.30 (± 3.86) kg / m2 were enrolled. With their diet (controlled) have given fresh tomatoes or tomato sauces, after a careful analysis of its composition, the content of carotenoids (carotenes and lycopene), polyphenols (flavonoids and non-flavonoids).
In 24 hours, a Mediterranean-type diet leads to a consumption of about 820 milligrams of polyphenols. Then adding 15 to 30 mg of polyphenols (found in tomatoes) is not a changing amount of the type of diet composition. The volunteers were divided into three groups were followed for four days. The first was fresh, tomato ketchup and the second the third tomato sauce with the addition of olive oil. For a fourth group control, only 0.25 g body weight sugar / kg, dissolved in water. No side effects were observed during the study.
After each meal, volunteers blood pressure and some blood parameters were measured. All parameters were within the reference range, other lipid profile. The tomato or derivatives course, has led to a decrease in triglycerides and total cholesterol, with a minimum reduction of LDH and increased HDL.
The tomato has also influenced blood levels of inflammatory factors, lowering them, such as LFA-1, IL-6, IL-18, MCP-1 and VCAM-1. Interleukin 10 is rather increased.
News and limitations of the study
This, in the opinion of the authors, was the first study on the effect of tomato consumption in blood levels of interleukin (IL-18 and IL-10). As the pro-inflammatory and antioxidant effect of a meal where, between the contours or ingredients, tomato is also present
However, the authors point to at least three limitations. First, only they considered healthy subjects. Therefore, it is possible that people with cardiovascular problems, for example, will give different answers. Second, the monitoring was conducted only in one area; it was to see what happened immediately after the meal, without assessing the long-term effects. Third, the control group may not be representative, since he had taken only a sugar solution.

As a conclusion, despite the limitations just reported, this study showed an effect of tomatoes and its derivatives (such sauce or with the addition of olive oil) in the regulation of lipid profile in blood and oil inflammatory factors that they have a direct impact on the progression of atherosclerosis. However, more studies are needed in order to reach some conclusions about these effects in the long term about tomato and its derivatives.

Source: http://it.blastingnews.com/