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Tomatoes, can reduce cholesterol

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Studying for years the role in preventing cancer for men, from a fact: from the various epidemiological studies show that consumers of large countries tomato like Italy, Spain and Mexico, there is a cancer rate prostate much lower than elsewhere.
The best way to eat tomatoes
The prodigal molecule that brings substantial benefits seems to be lycopene, the head of the magnificent red pigment (tomatoes and even watermelon, refreshing fruit). Is a carotenoid, the same family as beta carotene pumpkin and carrots, to be clear.
The best way to absorb the substance is tomato seasoning with extra virgin olive oil, since lycopene is lipophilic, is transported throughout the body if joins fats, in this case the fatty oil.
And lycopene is absorbed up to five times with cooking: heat breaks down the cell walls of plants and releases the molecule. In short, spaghetti with sauce are a must, even if the smart paste is complete and if the oil extra virgin olive oil is added after the last is ready.
Recommended storage
Ripe tomatoes go in the refrigerator crisper, then remember to eat them, remove them at least half an hour before to appreciate the taste.
Green tomatoes ripen at room temperature faster if wrapped in a cloth. The important thing is to keep them away from direct sunlight and sources of intense heat, not to waste a lot of phytochemicals and vitamins.
In the freezer it is not convenient to store raw tomatoes, because they lose flavor in the defrosting phase, while peeling sauce and below zero gives no problems.
The taste of fresh salsa is incomparable. But life does not have time for everything and sometimes you have to sacrifice to the kitchen. Back comfortable sauce in the bottle provided they do not have other ingredients outside the tomato and salt. It also applies to canned peeled tomatoes: no problem for use throughout the year.
And the tomato paste? Thanks to the reduced water content, concentrated in a tube can contain 2 to 5 times more lycopene, weight by weight, compared to fresh tomatoes.
Touted dried tomatoes, also champions in ensuring an excellent supply of vitamin A, essential for vision, skin, bones and immune system

Source : http://blog.iodonna.it