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Tomato: full of benefits

Pubblished bykageja

Originally from South America, the tomato belongs to the nightshade family, is a very popular vegetable for its healthful properties. Low in calories, with a high content of minerals and trace elements, rich in vitamins and trace water, tomato is light, refreshing, remineralizing, with high nutritional value.
Detoxification, combat fluid retention, fatigue, cramps, muscle weakness and hypertension. It also balances the nervous system, promotes cell repair, stimulates appetite, promotes oxygenation and cellular .Digestive parts, tomato stimulates diuresis, prevents osteoporosis, fends off bad cholesterol and, being rich in lycopene exerts anti-tumor action.
Allied line, combat aging and loss of elasticity of the tissues due to folic acid is recommended during pregnancy to prevent neural malformations of the newborn, has antidepressant effects, prevents cardiovascular disease, protect eyesight, counteract macular degeneration typical elderly.
Excellent natural remedy for acne, stretch marks and sagging, tomato makes the skin more firm and compact, reduces domestic burns, dermatitis contrast, prevents strokes and heart attacks.
Ant putrefactive, ant scorbutic, anti-infective, slightly laxative, tomato cure constipation, which favors the evacuation, stimulates appetite and cool during hot summer. Toning, tomato tightens the skin, heals cracks and dryness of hands and is an excellent remedy against ingrown toenails.

Source: http://www.meteoweb.eu