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Immagine Ricetta

Cold soup of tomato and watermelon

Pubblished bykageja

We remove the seeds of the watermelon and let's cut it asunder.
We wash and we cut the tomatoes. We put the chopped tomatoes in a casserole with a little bit of water and we bring to ebullition. We leave to middle fire up to when the tomato is cooked.
We mix the tomatos and the water that has been relaesed by the masher. We put aside the sauce of tomato gotten. We mix the sauce of tomatoes with the watermelon cut asunder. We put aside a little bit of watermelon for the decoration.
We add the leaves of basil and the dice of ice. We beat well everything thin to get the desired consistence. We serve in a well cold bowl with the pieces of watermelon, we garnish with leaves of basil and we season with a thread of oil of olive, salt and ground pepper to the moment.