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Farming tomatoes: When do we need to plant the seeds in the garden?

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Farming tomatoes: which is the best period for planting tomatoes in the garden?

The first question is: when should we start planting? The first thing to consider is that the tomato does not like the cold, so it should be sown in spring, when temperatures are warm. This means that planting will take place in May in the northern areas and in April in the southern areas. To continue with the process is necessary to have the seeds that can be easily acquired in a simple nursery garden or alternatively in a farmers' cooperative. Regardless of the source, you should choose plants that have a height of about 20 cm are solid and dark green. Try to avoid plants that show a gradation of reddish color, because this color indicates that the plant is suffering and manifests itself in particular when the plant has been exposed to extreme temperatures.

Talking about varieties, we can highlight the existence of tomatoes that grow on bearing (many people prefer this variety because they are easier to grow) or grow in cord (plants that reach up to 2 meters high). Regardless of the variety chosen, you have to start preparing the piece of land for about two months before planting, starting with the preparation of the tapes. The first thing to consider is that you will need several boxes for each type of tomatoes, seeds should be spread on the floor and then be covered with a layer of soil that later must be pressed and moisten carefully before letting germinating seeds. Gradually, as growth takes place, you will see that plants are the strongest.

The seeding surface will be selected and treated with special care. First, identify the appropriate field (must not have been too exploited above), prior to the excavation of soil and bury the manure. Planting of seedlings will have to be done only when you are sure that there is no freeze, it is done through the placement of the seedling in the ground, a few centimeters below ground level. The separation between a plant and another should be about 40 centimeters and one meter between the rows (so you can work quietly planting).

Farming  tomatoes: take care of the plant

Depending on the quality of the tomato, they are different actions that have been taken. If the tomato grows as a cord, a special support or brace has to be placed at the foot of the plant is required. To allow this to happen, usually a rod to perform this function is used, you can link the plant to a cane using a rope. Patience is needed and should not be over tighten plants.

It is also important the operation of padding concerning ground cover that lies at the foot of the plant. This simple operation not only prevents the growth of weeds, but also allows the fruits do not become infected by contact with the ground. The execution is simple, it is enough to have nettles, straw or plastic bags.

The filling will be necessary for those plants having four branches: in fact, we should cut the top of the plant in order to favor the horizontal fruiting! Another very important task, when it comes gardening, is the irrigation system. Clearly, it is not possible to give general instructions as the timing and modalities are influenced by climate. As soon as the tomatoes are ripe gently separated from the plant by turning the fruit. If they are in branch you will have to cut the whole cluster with the help of scissors. The bouquet can be stored in a cool, dry place.

Farming  tomatoes: unexpected things, diseases
Do you think the steps that should be followed when farming are easy? Be careful, because unfortunately they can happened several contingencies. Among the diseases affecting tomatoes we can mention the mold. It is a fungus caused by rain or moisture. To prevent or cure it, you can resort to the use of verdigris or macerated nettles. The latter, because they are natural and easy to implement origin, are increasingly popular. Do you want to try? Nothing could be simpler! Take 200 grams of dried nettle and dip it in 10 liters of water; for 3 days in a row, after wetting the ground using this compound. The results are guaranteed if the mixture is used at an early stage, thus moving away from the principle of the dangers associated with this and other fungi. Unfortunately, tomatoes are also threatened by another problem: rot blossom end! It is a blackening of the bottom of the fruit which means that slowly begins to run out. This problem occurs due to imbalances of water, usually caused by very frequent or very little irrigation, which is followed by a lack of calcium. To overcome this problem you need to follow a proper plan for irrigation and buy the appropriate "supplements" based on calcium. They are in many calcium-based treatments that are available in the marking and that are applied directly on the leaves through a calcium-based aerosol. Many tomato plants exhibit excellent results secured by the use of these products.

At this point, you just need to try the tomatoes that have been grown with love, either in salads, San Marzano tomato sauce or cherry sauce, classic way or the Italian way. See you in our next blog post.

Source: http://vivicool.it