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Immagine Ricetta

Spaghetti with tomato sauce, lemon peel and goat cheese

Pubblished bykageja

Put the cloves of garlic, shallot, basil in a vacuum bag, add oil, close and cook in a bain marie (65°) for about 15 or 20 minutes. Open, filter and recover the oil. Put tomatoes in boiled water for few minutes, leave them to cool in water and ice and peel them.
Separate the pulp from vegetable water.
Heat  the flavoured oil in a soutè, add tomato pulp, cook over a high heat for few minutes, salt and add vegetable water, complite sauce cooking that has to be over a high heat and for few minutes, adjust with salt and grated pepper. Cook spaghetti in salt water for 4 minutes, remove the pan from heat and leave it to stand for other 3 minutes ( technique of passive cooking ).
Drain the pasta and put it in the tomato, leave it to dry for other 4 minutes, cook until creamy with a handful of good Parmesean cheese, fresh basil leaves, extra-virgin olive oil.
Put the pasta in soup dish and garnish with goat cheese and grated lemon.

source: www.ilsole24ore.com