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Immagine Ricetta

Grilled salmon and cherry tomatoes in little foil pouches

Pubblished bykageja

Cooking: 8 minutes
Additional time: 2 minutes of rest
Ready in 20 minutes

Pre-heat the grill to the hightest or turn on the oven at 220°C.
Mix all ingredients, except salmon, in a medium-size salad bowl. Cut salmon into four slices.
Prepare 4 sheets of thick alluminium foil, size 30x45cm, with the shiny part upward.
Lay down salmon slices in the centre of alluminium foil pieces, with the skin downward and sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper. Lay down a quarter of cherry tomatoes and olive mix on each salmon slice. Close the little foil pouches, making sure they are well sealed.
Turn down the heat of the grill and lay down the four little foil pouches on boiling grill, close the lid and cook for 7-8 minutes. Otherwise put little foil pouches on a baking sheet and put them in the hot oven .
Get a little foil pouch out of the grill (or of oven) and open it to check the cooking: salmon is cooked when it becomes pale pink in the centre, too. Get little foil pouches out of the grill and leave them to stay for a pair of minutes before to serve them.

Source : http://allrecipes.it