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Immagine Ricetta

Spaghetti with fresh anchovies

Pubblished bykageja

Brown mince garlic and chilli pepper with a pair of oil spoons in a pan. Add peeled tomatoes or cherry tomatoes. Cook tomatoes for about 15 minutes, then add basil and fresh anchovies (remove bone and head, and clean well) , parsley and the remaining oil.
Meanwhile boil spaghetti in salt water, drain them al dente and mix all in a frying pan for a pair of minutes.
Serve hot spaghetti, with a handful of parsley for each plate.

The Amalfi variation of this recipe uses anchovy sauce instead of fresh fish. Anchovy sauce is the amber liquid produced from salted anchovies. Moreover we remember you that anchovies and tomatoes, without spaghetti, represent a delicious second course.