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Immagine Ricetta

Diced tomatoes with two ricotta cheese

Pubblished bykageja

To prepare a tasty recipe, the diced tomatoes with two ricotta cheese, plunge 3 ripe tomatoes in boiling water. After some instants, drain them, put them under cold water, peel them, remove seeds, dice them, salt them and drain them in a small colander for half hour. For diced tomatoes with two ricotta cheese, sear 3 sundried tomatoes in boiling water for 1 minute, squeeze them, chop them thinly and add them to diced tomatoes in a terrine together with a pinch of oregano, salt, pepper and 3 spoons of olive oil.
Put the mixture on the bottom of 6 small glasses. Work 200gr of ricotta cheese with the whisk and add a pinch of salt and 60gr of slightly toasted and minced almonds. Blend a sprig of fresh basil with other 200gr of ricotta cheese, salt and pepper.
In the glasses with tomatoes and ricotta cheese put the mixture with almonds, then put the mixture with basil. Place in the fridge until the moment of serving.

Source: http://www.salepepe.it