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Tomato soup and mussels

Pubblished bykageja

Procedure of the new recipe from “cooked and eaten”. Crush the garlic and put it in a pan plenty of olive oil, after a while add the mussels and cook everything covering the pan with a lid.

In order to prepare the tomato soup
Proceed with the preparation of tomato sauce, we increase the temperature and keep cooking for a few minutes. Once the mussels are opened, we take them and put them in a separate container. We filter the sauce (we can use a dishtowel to filter it) and put it in the pan together with a quarter of the lemon peel, removing the foam that will appear. We add the bread to the tomato, after few minutes we remove from the heat and we let the dish rest and absorb.
Before serving our new tasty dish, we just need to mix the tomato soup with the mussels’ sauce.

Source: http://www.topnotizie.it