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Immagine Ricetta

Salmoriglio of tomatos

Pubblished bykageja

To soak the bread in water. Once soaked, to squeeze him/it with the hands to eliminate the water in excess. You insert the bread dripped in the bowl of the mixer and to add oil, tomatoes, garlic, salt and some vinegar drop.
To beat to average speed up to reach an I mix homogeneous and creamy.  You put a pinch of salt and vinegar and to preserve in the refrigerator for serve when it is cold.
It is possible to relieve the salmoriglio with cold water, but it needs to be careful not to make too much it liquid, but rather it must always have a creamy consistence.
During to serve, to accompany with some ham cut to cubes and to sprinkle with some drop of oil of olive.

Source: http://tusrecetas.abcdesevilla.es