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Vegan chickpea gnocchi with tomato sauce

Pubblished bykageja

Original recipe
Mix the chickpeas in a blender, to obtain a cream. Add the flour to the mixture and mix everything well, adding a pinch of salt. Once we have the consistency that we want, we have the dough on a work surface on which a bit 'of flour we put. Let the dough into small pieces and produce small cylinders cut across the board. We will get small dumplings to be transferred in the refrigerator on a tray. Let them rest a bit 'so that they become the right consistency.
We proceed to the cooking phase. We boil salted water and then pour the chickpea dumplings, avoiding cooking them for too long. We mix with tomato sauce. We can, if we want, even add a little 'of parsley, to give a touch of color and extra flavor to the dish.
Variation with pistachio
We prepare the pesto. We deprive the pistachios of purple skin and tritiamoli coarsely with a knife. Let's put them in a mortar with a little 'oil, salt and pepper. We work to well, adding a little 'oil or water to give the pesto consistency we want. We put in a blender the chickpeas, pine nuts, olive oil and salt and produce a thick cream. Versiamola in a bowl and add the whole-wheat flour. We knead well and realize, as in the previous recipe, small cylinders. Let them sit for half an hour in a pastry. We chuck the tomatoes into small pieces. Boil the water and pour the gnocchi. Once ready, we add the pesto and cherry tomatoes. We pour sprinkling the chopped pistachios.

Source: http://www.ecoo.it