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Mezze penne with eggplant and tomato

Pubblished bykageja

Cut the eggplant into pieces of preferred size. Fry them in a pan with plenty of oil.
When the eggplant is ready, put the eggplant in a dish with paper towel or absorbent paper to absorb the excess oil and at this point in a pan (the same) to fry the onion and garlic into small pieces and the chili with extra virgin olive oil. If necessary add a little 'of water for not frying too much.
When the tomato and garlic are wilted, add the tomato cut into small pieces. Cook the tomato a bit. Crush it occasionally with a fork. Halfway through cooking, add salt and add the basil into small pieces.
When cooked, add the previously fried eggplant. While you are finishing the rollback tomatoes cook the pasta al dente in salted water. Pour the dough into the pan and cook the penne with the sauce of eggplant.
Serve garnished with a few leaves of basil and if Popularity sprinkle with grated Parmesan.

Source: http://www.senigallianotizie.it