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Immagine Ricetta

Capesante gratin with sauce of tomato

Pubblished bykageja

We clean the capesantes: let's set them on a canvas so that to avoid to slip when it opens. We set a knife among the two hulls, let's open them gently and we finally scrape off the hull. We wash the capesantes under the faucet to eliminate the sand and the impurities adherent to the hull. We already preserve the capesantes cleaning up and let's cover them with a damp napkin of paper. We also preserve the shells for the presentation of the recipe.
We prepare the sauce: we mince the onions and the cloves of garlic and put all in a frying pan with a thread of oil. When the onion is well gilded, we add the peeled carrots and you elegantly cut to cubes. We make to brown for a couple of minutes and we add the paprika, the past tomato and the white wine. We lower the flame and we continue the cooking until the sauce you become completely assembled. We add salt and pepper and let's put it aside.
We set a pair of spoons of sauce above every hull. Then we prepare on the sauce a capesante and we sprinkle with abundant minced parsley and bread crumb. We insert the capesantes in oven preheated to 180 °s C, and once gilded let's go out her of the oven.

Source: http://tusrecetas.abcdesevilla.es