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Green tomatoes to develop better muscles

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To develop well the muscles and to fight the atrophy, the tomatoes that isn’t yet veered to the red color could be useful.

The suggestion arrives from some researchers of the university of Iowa (USA) which, after having identified some mixtures in the peel of the apples as agents of muscular expansion, they have found that also the tomatoes can be exploited to the same purpose. The responsible agent would call Tomatidine and seems to be more effective than the peel of the apple even.
The muscular atrophy can be caused from the aging or from a lot of types of illness among which cardiac insufficiency, crab or lesions type orthopaedic. The people immediately become weak and tired, and physical activity results particularly compromised, as the state of comfort physic and the quality of the life. Such condition, increases besides the risk of falls or fractures. The most stricken people generally have over sixty years and, in the most serious cases, they are forced to live in the nursing homes or to spend quite a lot time in the structures of rehabilitation.
"The atrophy muscular cause many problems for the people, their families and the sanitary system in general. he/she explains the dott. Christopher Adams, teacher of inside medicine,  molecular physiology and biophysics at university of Iowa. Nevertheless, we don’t have an effective method to prevent it or to treat it. The physical exercise helps of certain, but it is not enough and it is not always possible for a lot of people that are sick."

For this reason his studies are assembled in the search of a substance that could help these people to live more serenely. He is devoted therefore to the study of the Tomatidine using a tool of biology of the systems called "Connectivity Map", developed by the Broad Institute in the MIT and the Harvard School.

In this way, he has discovered that the substance is able to produce changes in the genetic expression. Substantially, the opposite one of the changes that are verified in the muscular cells when the people are muscular atrophy effects.

The team of search driven by Adams has chosen therefore to make a will the effects of the Tomatidine on the skeletal muscle. In first place he has discovered that the substance stimulates the growth of the cultivated human muscular cells in vitro. Subsequently he has tried to add the Tomatidine in the diet of the mice from laboratory. From the results he has emerged that the mice that have assumed supplements of Tomatidine have developed thicker muscles and they have also become stronger, with great muscular resistance. But the thrilling part has been the discovery that this substance has been able to prevent and to take care of the muscular atrophy.
The complete results of the study have been published online on the Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Souce: www.lastampa.it