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Losing 2 Kg with the Diet of Tomato

Pubblished bykageja

The tomatoes are precious to lose weight because they have few calories, only 19 calories for 100 grams, but also because they are rich of water, vitamins and mineral salts that are you useful to eliminate the liquids in excess.

Why to make the diet of the tomato does it allow you to lose 2 kg in 5 days?
The benefits of the tomato are many and precious, both for an effective and fast diet, both to make compactness and freshness to our skin:
- the beta-carotene is the person responsible of bright red color of the tomatoes from which we draw vitamin A
- the present licopene in abundance in the tomatoes helps to reduce the aging and the cellular degeneration
- rich of vitamin essential C for the formation of collagene and and therefore it favors the formation of an elastic skin, compact and decidedly less prone to become flabby and soft ù
- the fundamental potassium (297 mgs every 100 grams) to oppose the water retention and to maintain stable the liquid levels inside the body, maintain besides the active physicist, energetic and it maintains tall the level of concentration.

Duration: 5 days
Advantages: Losing 2 Kg without too many binds to table, for a fast and effective diet

Diet of the Tomato. 1° Day to lose 2 kg
Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee of bowline
1 pot of yogurt thin
1 apple
Snack: 150ml of squeeze of grapefruit without sugar
Lunch: Salad of tomatoes and olives black
1 sandwich of 60 grams soy
1 kiwi
Snack: 1 banana
Dinner: 150g of breast of chicken
spinaches coked to vapor
1/4 of pineapple

Diet of the Tomato. 2° Day to lose 2 kg
Breakfast: 1 cup of milk skimmed with coffee
2 slices of bread  1 teaspoon of marmalade
Snack: 2 kiwis
Lunch: 3 tomatoes full
2 kiwis
Snack: 2 peaches
Dinner: 60g of raw ham
2 crackers
1 apple

Diet of the Tomato. 3° Day to lose 2 kg
Breakfast: 1 cup of tea 4 biscuits
Snack: 1 banana
Lunch: gratin tomatoes
1 soy sandwich of 60 grams
Snack: 4 plums
Dinner: 100g of vapour fish
100g of ricotta of cow
1 kiwi

Diet of the Tomato. 4° Day to lose 2 kg
Breakfast: 1 cup of milk skimmed with coffee
1 pot of yogurt
Snack: 1 pear
Lunch: Full tomatoes of tuna and ricotta (it empties the tomatoes and it mixes the pulp to the ricotta, the tuna, salt, pepper and peperoncino and again fill them)
Snack: 1 pot of white yogurt
Dinner: 70g of ham cooked
1 egg
2 crackers
2 kiwis

Diet of the Tomato. 5° Day to lose 2 kg
Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee of bowline
Snack: 150ml of squeeze of grapefruit without sugar
Lunch: 80g of pasta to tomatoes and basil
2 plums
Snack: 1 apple
Dinner: 150g of beefsteak of calf to the irons
2 fennels
2 crackers
2 kiwis

Source: viveredonna.it