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Benefits of tomatoes for pregnant women

Pubblished bykageja

The pregnancy is a condition that asks a diet balanced rich in nourishing substances to guarantee to the fetus to correctly develop in the intrauterine period.

When the child grows inside her mother, he has need to eat healthy and nourishing foods. The tomatoes, in case of prenatal nutrition,  are very proper, because tomato is one of the freshest and healthy foods, besides protecting the health of the pregnant woman.

The tomatoes, in fact, are a rich source of vitamin C, that is one of essential and important elements during the pregnancy, for the formation of the collagen, bones, teeth and gums.
This vitamin also helps the absorption of the iron, a situation that is of particular interest during the pregnancy, because the pregnant women extend to have more elevated iron demands.

In the case you are used integrating of iron during the pregnancy, to eat tomatoes rich in vitamin C can help to absorb better the additional iron.
The tomatoes are also rich of licopene, a natural antioxidant where various studies have shown that it protects against the damages of the cells, that the National Institutes of Health says that it is sure for the pregnant women, but in their natural state, or when the content is in the fruit and not in the form of integrating to feed.

When during the pregnancy it should be avoided to eat the tomato?
Says that the tomatoes bring a great nutritional value during the pregnancy, it must be underlined that, in some cases, when he suffers from acidity, their consumption must generally be suspended for limiting the problem. This is a situation that can be accented in the second halves the pregnancy, in how much the acidity can represent a problem for some women, because the progesterone relaxes the valve that the oesophagus separates from the stomach provoking feeling of heartburn.