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The researchers plan the cultivation of tomatoes in the space

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The researchers of the university of Erlangen-Nuremberg want to discover if the tomatoes can also grow in absence of gravity and without the human intervention, according to what is announced in the German website infranken.de.

 To this purpose, in 2016, a satellite with two greenhouses and a special variety of tomatoes on purpose selected will be launched in orbit around the earth. The scientists will bring forth this project in collaboration with the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) .

"The experiments will produce important results that can be used for allowing the survival of the humanity the space", the researcher of the DLR has reported, Jens Hauslage, responsible scientific of the mission.

" As the plants cannot survive in total absence of gravity, it will artificially be produced through the rotations of the satellite. Besides, the project foresees a reservoir of water and a reservoir with some single-celled algae.

 The tomatoes will be fed through a fertilizer in form of artificial urine and here they enter dance the algae: their job will be that to decompose the present ammonia in the urines. What he/she remains they are the nitrates, fertilizing substances for the plants.

The cultivation of the tomatoes in the space will go on for one year. The course will be filmed by 32 television cameras. The costs of the project add to different million of European.

Traduction from FreshPlaza Italia.All rights are riserve.
Date of publication: 07/05/2014