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The tomato increase to the fertility' of the man

Pubblished bykageja

The nourishing substance of the tomato that he/she confers him the red color can give a push to the fertility of the man. The licopene could increase the sperms number at 70%. A possible answer to the desire to have a child of the so many couples with reproductive problems. The discovery has been illustrated in a study published by the physicians of the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.

Searches still in progress
It still be departing some experimentations to verify if this can be translated in an increase of the pregnancies in non fertile couples. The study has picked up twelve searches conducted from different medical team all over the world. All have shown that the licopene increases the number of the sperms and their moving.

Ashok Agarwal, principal author of the study, has specified: "It be necessary studies more ample to analyze the effects of the licopene on the masculine infertility. It must be established what groups of patients can draw the greatest benefits from this therapy."

Source: www.tgcom24.mediaset.it