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Sicily In Pizza

Pubblished bykageja

Monday 19 of May near the restaurant Convivio of Modica is developed the contest for the provincial selection "Sicily in Pizza" where some pizzaioli of the province of Ragusa are challenged.
Such initiative has been promoted by the Sicilian Region, from the Consortium Vastedda of the Valley of the Belice and with the consultation of the editing of chronicles of taste, known blog of the sector Sicilian food.
The objective is that to valorize the products and the first subjects of the Sicilian production in the preparation of typical pizzas.
During this event, with the jury composed by a member of the organization National Tasters of Cheeses, from a journalist of sector Chronicles of Taste and from a person responsible of the section Slow Food Sicily, the pizza has been winning " Nonno Nanè " proposed by the chef Francesco Cassarino of the restaurant Caravanserraglio of Ragusa. You see link: http://www.quotidianodiragusa.it/2014/05/20/attualita/non-pubblicare/8046
The competion will be continued with other test among the nine chefs of the nine Sicilian provinces, that he will effect day 23 of June to Palermo.
To underline, among all the various natural ingredients of Sicilian production used in the preparation of the pizza, the tomato of the typology "perino" denominated " Tomperinos" that it has brought taste and particular taste to this new creation of pizza with the fresh tomato.
The tomato Tomperinos is the new variety, proposed by the firm Med Hermes Seeds S.r.l. with center to Ragusa.
The editing of Tomato Cult formulates a fervent "good luck" to the chef Cassarino for the next competition that will be held in Palermo.

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