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Immagine Ricetta

The Tomatina of Buñol

Pubblished bykageja

The tomatina is a typical party that on last Wednesdays of August are held in the commune of Buñol (province of Valencia). The particularity of this party is that the around 40 thousand participants 125 tons of tomatoes are launched, organizing so a real battle. The tomato, in fact, are launched by 5 trucks, that unthread for the streets of the city and used as you arm from the thousand of participants to the party. In a few hours Buñol doesn't know other colour, if not the red!
The tomatina was born by chance in 1945, when a group of boys, the last Wednesday of August, it was drinking an appetizer in plaza, during the exhibition of a gang of musicians. The boys decided to create him a passage among the bystanders but the excessive impetus, with which they tried to make road, let a participant fell that, taken by the anger, started to strike all of this that introduced him before. The people, bothered by this gentleman, they took of assault a shop of vegetable and they began to throw him tomato until the police it didn't intervene. The following year the boys voluntarily introduced him to the party armed with tomato and the police it put elegant to these guerrillas. The first official version of the party was established in 1957, when it was really the commune of Buñol to organize the event.
Common that has worded also some norms to make to remain the event a party: don't bring bottles or dangerous objects, not to break and to launch shirts, the tomatoes must be crush before the throwing not to hurt someone, to the second acoustic signal it needs to stop launching the tomatoes.
To these norms, surely, indications of good sense are united also, or as to wear suits and shoes to throw (closed shoes and not sandals because they would surely go lost), to wear swimming pool glasses to avoid effect burning on the eyes, not to climb on points prepared aloft for not becoming target of 40 thousand people.

photo taken from ques.es