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As to take care in the summer with the benefits of the tomato

Pubblished bykageja

Inviting, versatile, from the vivacious colour, the tomatoes are among the most beloved vegetables from great and children. Raw or cooked, whole or beaten, in sauce or assembled, the king of the tables in the summer brings with itself notable benefits
The tomato is a native fruit from Latin America. Formed for 90% from water, it also hides to it inside so many fibres and, as and more other vegetables, good quantities of vitamins and mineral salts, as I fit with iron, kick, potassium and magnesium, essential for the good operation of the organism.

The summer is the season in which the tomatoes express at the most their benefits for the health
The ownerships of the tomatoes:
• Rich of water, they are poor of calories, but satiating, thanks to the soluble fibbers that stimulate the receptors of the satisfaction.
• They favour the good operation of the organic system. The worth is of the vitamin C them contained.
• They protect the heart. The tomatoes are rich of licopene, an antioxidant and of potassium that sustains the cardiac activity and, according to some Scottish scientists, the yellow glaze that winds the seeds is able to oppose the coagulation of the blood helping to prevent heart attacks and ictus.
• They protect the skin. The licopene also protects the skin from the damages of the solar exposure. The tomatoes prevent the aging of the skin and, according to some studies, they would be more effective than the carrots (tanning dispositions for excellence) in to favour a gradual colour of skin and uniform.
• They oppose the accumulation of the cholesterol in the blood. Also in this case the worth is of the licopene.
• They protect the bones. The licopene also opposes the osteoporosis.
• Useful against the intestinal infections. The tomatoes contain a called natural antibiotic tomatina, able to oppose the infections of stomach and bowel that are more frequent in the summer, accomplices the alimentary changes, the starts of temperature, the cold drinks and the warm one that it stimulates the proliferation of the germs in the foods.
• They protect from the crab. The licopene opposes the tumours to the prostate and the colon.
• It doesn't need then to forget that the tomato also has astringent ownership, diuretic, laxative and refreshing.

source: http://www.deabyday.tv