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More dessert and smaller, the super-tomato that makes throat to children

Pubblished bykageja

"Enough some sugar and the pill it goes down and everything will shine more", Mary Poppins hummed. And there is who has picked her in word up. To encourage her children to eat tomatoes, essential food for the contained (they are rich of vitamins and antioxidants) elements, a variety has been created sweeter. They have the taste of the peaches and they are of smaller dimensions of the normal ones the revolutionary tomatoes put to stung by the Spanish growers on commission of Tesco, the first chain of British supermarkets.
The tomato 'sugary' it is a natural hybrid among two different varieties. Developed on the Coast Calida in the province of Murcia, in Spain, it is the result of two intense years of job in which three thousand types of tomato have been tried different and numerous intersections. For the joy of parents what time they won't have to insist for convincing the smallest to eat tomatoes anymore, her 'super' novelty will be soon in commerce in Great Britain.
An idea that also picks up the applause of Italian experts in feeding. "In our Country the 36% of children are in overweight. Of these the 12% it suffers from obesity", remembers the nutritionist Pietro Anthony Migliaccio. How precise: "Every tense initiative to improve their feeding (and what it eliminates the fat foods for fruit and vegetable), is well accept." The tomato develops an important role in our feeding "it is rich of licopene, a powerful antioxidant that the free radicals neutralize and of vitamin C", the expert still tells Ign, made a will online of the Group Adnkronos, underlining that if the new tomato "it doesn't change the fundamental ownerships but it increases only the quantity of carbohydrates - a tomato contains 3% of it, a fishing 6% -, he feels like considering without doubt a good project for all children.

source: http://www1.adnkronos.com