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Cherries, tomatoes and chicken: the 8 foods that people of 40th must not forget

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If a good metabolism is by now only a memory or if, worse, a good metabolism of those "millstone stones" we have never had him, it is to hold well to mind 8 foods to which we can apply for calming the appetite and to improve the levels of cholesterol and blood pressure. The list of the "spends special" it is suitable above all for the one that has extinguished by now 40 candlings on the cake: the calories daily burnt by the parity organism of physical activity it turns, in fact, they begin to decrease beginning from the 20 years, to suffer a further reduction around the 30 and to diminish once subsequently reached the 40 years with good peace of the silhouette.

1. The oats is the first food to put in the cart of the "spends to test of 40 candlings." Does it contain in fact beta-glucani, particular fibbers that help to reduce the presence of bad cholesterol (lipoprotein??low density or LDL) in the blood, protecting the arteries from the accumulation of fats. The necessary quantity would be around 3 gr of oats a day, enough to reduce the 5-10% total cholesterol. You can be consumed together with a glass of yogurt.

2. The almonds hold to it minds the levels of sugars in the blood, helping the organism to prevent the onset of the diabetes, favouring the reduction of the bad cholesterol and increasing the levels of the good cholesterol. Sixty grams almonds a day for 4 weeks - more or less a fist of almonds - they would be the correct dose to help heart and arteries. Better, obviously, to consume her to the "natural", and therefore neither you sweeten, neither salty.

3. Salmon, clear of, tuna, sardines and herrings: known also as "fat fishes", these varieties of fishes are rich of fat acids omega 3 and they help the arteries to sustain in form, besides favouring the maintenance in the correct parameters of the cardiac frequency and the blood pressure. From the moment that the omegas 3 are degraded to tall temperatures, it is better to have a preference for delicate cooking as to the vapour or to slow fire, rather than the frying or the preparation on grid. For an optimal output these types of fish must be inserted in the diet four times to week.

4. The present isoflavonis in the soy lower the cholesterol, they improve the bony density in post-menopause and they improve the masculine fertility. The consumption two or three times to week it is enough to guarantee its effects. A recommendation: since the soy can influence the levels of some female hormones, the consumption of excessive quantity is not recommended for the women in pre-menopause without the opinion of the physician.

5. The secret of the benefits that the tomato brings is contained in the licopene, an important antioxidant, thanks to which the organism is protected from the formation and from the diffusion of the cancer cells and from the atherosclerosis, also improving the health of the heart. The licopene easily comes absorbed when the tomato is cooked: green light therefore to the trails to season the pasta, and also to the juice of tomato.

6. Whole milk opposes the reduction of the in partnership muscular mass to the aging, and therefore a valid help results above all beginning from the 50 years. You can be consumed alone, in the form of milkshake, additionally to tea or coffee, or with the cereals.

7. The chicken is a privileged source of proteins: above all without skin, it helps to maintain an effective control of the weight and it facilitates the construction of the muscles. The broth of chicken, is then a, "his grandmother's remedy" known to fight the common cooling symptoms. If he/she is wanted to eat the thinnest part to prefer the breast to the thigh.

8. The cherries are rich of antociani, powerful antioxidants, and they protect from the accumulation of sour uric (responsible of the development of the gout) and from the arthritis. Twelve cherries or a glass of juice of cherry not sweetened three or 4 times to week would be enough to guarantee its benefits.

Article of Miriam Cresta
source: http://www.salute24.ilsole24ore.com