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More nourishing tomatoes thanks to the LED

Pubblished bykageja

Enough curious news arrives from the university of Wageningen in Holland. According to a search conducted in collaboration with Philips, the illumination LED would mostly favour the production of rich vegetables of vitamin. The experiment, conducted on different varieties of plants, it has brought to the conclusion that the cultivated tomatoes in inside environments, thanks to the illumination to LED to which were submitted, they would have introduced a content of vitamin C equal to the double one in comparison to how much present in the tomatoes not statements to them, although the extra dose of light was equivalent only to a quarter of the intensity of the light natural present in one day of sun.
It deals with a news that could result particularly useful for those people who are dealt with alternative methods of cultivation, that foresee, for instance, the idiophone or the appeal to special greenhouses, useful especially in zones from the unfavourable climate to the agriculture, or for those people that don't have to own disposition a proper ground for the cultivation of a garden, for motives for space or quality of the ground.