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10 foods for hydrate the skin

Pubblished bykageja

Our skin, that of the face, is exposed particularly continually to the attack of the atmospheric agents added to  the polluting substances, that every day unfortunately increases and how certain they don't improve the general picture.
Defend us from this situation resort to creams and cremate to look for of it to re-establish the correct hydration of our skin, in how much, let's not forget, a fresh and elastic skin of the face removes from us 10 years of back!
But it is possible to also help the skin in other ways, for instance maintaining it from the inside with a correct feeding, particularly the effects of a series of foods have been studied, to appraise those with the more elevated content of biological water for the maximum beneficent impact on our face. They are very common foods and besides also savoury, thing that doesn't spoil certain, and in this article we will discover them all and 10:

- Cucumber: also defined the glass of water of the idlers, it almost contains the 97% of water, favouring therefore the hydration not only of our skin but also fighting the water retention and the cellulites, besides the cucumber furnishes also a certain quantity of tartaric acid, whose action is that to eliminate a part of the carbohydrates ingested in the same meal instead whether to let them turn into fat.

- Lettuce: also the content of water of the lettuce overcomes 96%, besides this vegetable contains two fundamental vitamins for the beauty of our skin, the for-vitamin To and the C, preparing it with a thread of oil extra virgin we will strengthen its beneficent effects.

- Radishes: with a contained peer of water of the first two foods, the radishes contain vitamins of the group B and the polifenolis, present in the peel, powerful antioxidants and protective of the blood vases.

- Watermelon: with the 95% of contained water, the watermelon is positioned to the fourth place in this classification, its red colour underlines the presence of carotenoides, protective of the skin, but, contrarily of the first 3 that they furnish little calories, the watermelon, containing sugars, it furnishes more a lot of it, for which is worthwhile not to exaggerate in the consumption.

- Tomato: rich of water, potassium and vitamins, the red colour, to the equal one of the watermelon, it underlines the presence of carotenoidi, it is good thing to eat the cooked tomatoes, in how much the cooked licopene is mostly assailable once.

- Zucchini: even if they constitute a product typical of the summer, the zucchinis I am by now available in the benches of the supermarkets the whole year, among their peculiarities the shortage of sodium and the wealth of potassium, characteristics that make her a good diuretic, are rich besides of vitamin C and E, and of fibres. Very savoury also in seasoned carpaccio with various sauces or also only with a thread of oil extra virgin.

- Peppers: very beautiful to introduce in table thanks to the vivacious colours that countersign them, the peppers vary the content of in operation water of the colour, those green are richer of it and they arrive to a 92% percentage, besides the peppers are rich of vitamin C, also more than the oranges.

- Melon, peaches and apricots, the perfect trio to enrich the organism with the beta-carotene and with the for-vitamin To of which rich son, some studies, still in progress, they hypothesize that this vitamin the evaporation of water of the skin, maintaining it to the peer of a specific cream.

- Celery: it possesses a high power diuretic, let's eat it raw or also centrifuged during the day to break the appetite in how much its caloric contribution is almost equal to zero, besides it re-establishes the levels of sodium, potassium, magnesium and different others mineral.

- Blue fish and fruits of sea: can seem strange, but also these two foods are rich of water and the fruits of sea, particularly the oysters contain selenium, that hydrated and stretches the skin, and don't forget the omegas 3!

SOURCE: http://www.buonissimo.org