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Biologic Tomates: real medicine against the cardiovascular illnesses and tumours

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Fantastic biological tomatoes, real natural medicines. According to a study from the title "Nutraceutical value and safety of tomato fruits produced by mycorrhizal plants", conducted by biologists, microbiologists and physicians of the institute of biology and agrarian biotechnology of the national Suggestion of the searches (Ibba-Cnr) and the university in Pisa and published on the British Journal of Nutrition in the Cambridge University Press, the biological tomatoes are able to reduce the risk of onset of cardiovascular illnesses and tumours, so it can be considered as a "functional" food-medicine.
From the study results that the tomatoes bio, in comparison to those cultivated with other methods, they contain in fact more elevated concentrations of kick (15%), potassium (11%), phosphorus (60%) and zinc (28%), ownership that would be due to the action of some micro mushrooms that it develop itself on the plant and that with it they interact, equally of what ago the intestinal flora in the human bowel.
''The value nutritional and nutraceutic - he/she is read in one note of the Cnr - you/he/she is influenced by the conditions of cultivation and if the plant grows with its natural symbiotic, they increase the substances antioxidants that some types of crab oppose. In these last years the tomato has earned the status of 'functional food', sees the established frequent association between its consumption and the meeting place risk of onset of cardiovascular illnesses and tumours more and more ''.
The cultivated tomatoes particularly it biologically underlines the search, - they establish together with their micro mushrooms "a beneficent permanent radical association, comparable from the functional point of view to our intestinal microbioma ''. "The symbiosis micorrizica positively influences the growth and the content in mineral substances of the plants of tomato and increases the value of it nutritional", Christian adds you Tears to pieces some Ibba-Cnr. Here because the fruits of tomato are a natural reserve of molecules as ascorbic acid, vitamin is, flavonoidi, composed fenolici and carotenoidi, among which the licopene that, "besides practicing a strong activity antioxidant, you can modulate, confirmation Manuela Giovannetti of the university in Pisa, that has coordinated the job - the metabolic streets.
And if recently the polifenolis and the licopene have been proposed "as promising pharmacological agents in the prevention of the crab because of their effects antiproliferativi and of their action inhibitory on the receptors of the human estrogens", the results of the study suggest that the assumption of functional foods as the cultivated tomatoes with their natural symbiotic, could positively act towards the effects practiced by many environmental and industrial contaminants to which the human beings are exposed through the food chain. One more motive, and not of little value, to eat tomatoes bio.

source: http://www.greenme.it