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Cold, to fight it with the seeds of tomato

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The researchers of the Rowett Institute d' Aberdeen, in the Scotland they discovered a new ingredient to impede the influence. It is about a colourless and insipid frost which is in the seeds of tomato. The remedy of the nature in one of the main diseases of season.
In the seeds of tomato the researchers of the Rowett Institute d' Aberdeen, in the Scotland they determined a new and efficiencies I remedy against the cold.
It is about a natural, colourless and insipid frost, called Fruit flow, that as additive can be added to food without changing the characteristics it. Substances contents in the frost contain a new ingredient, important for the health of the circulatory system and excellent as alternative in the aspirin.
He(It) already anticipates in a fruit juice in business, the frost could be so soon added in other food. " Fruit flow is capable of maintaining healthy the traffic  by preventing in the blood from coagulating in veins and arteries, as it results from clinical tests " he explains professor Asim Dutta-Roy, that he discovered the ingredient during a search on the profits of the Mediterranean diet and he continues: " the effects of the improvement of the flow sanguine are obvious from three hours after the commitment of the frost. The effects stay till 18 hours by returning the excellent product for the daily commitment ".
The sanitary officers of the European Union guaranteed that the ingredient improves actually the sanguine flow, by authorizing the producers to insert this characteristic into the labels of products that they contain Fruit flow. " Some collateral effect was not shown until now during the development of this frost - Dutta-Roy concludes. - it treats in my opinion of an excellent alternative nature in the aspirin. "

SOURCE: http://www.farman.it/