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The alternative use of tomato

Pubblished bykageja

You have advanced tomatoes? Do not throw them but use them as a DIY alternative remedies! You may not know, but the tomatoes will also help to clean the pots here is how!
The season of has officially begun tomatoes: we kick off with salads, pots of pasta to be preserved but not only! If Advanced tomatoes or if they are too ripe to be eaten there are alternative uses that surely you do not expect!

1- Tomato as anti-scale DIY
Have you ever thought about how much acid is the tomato? Cut it into small pieces and sprinkle over the sink calcified: let stand a few minutes and limestone, there will be no trace!

2- Clean the brass and aluminum with tomato
Stained pots or other metal objects such as brass, aluminum and steel will return to shine thanks to the tomato. Rub these objects with tomato or, in the case of pots, boil a couple of tomatoes. Everything will shine again!

3- Tomato against mosquitoes
Even the tomato leaves are useful: put a few leaves in containers that will distribute throughout the house. Mosquitoes will stand away!