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Tomato stains: delete as in a few steps?

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TOMATO STAIN: HOW ELIMINATION IN A FEW STEPS? - A spot of tomato can appear in various guises in our eyes in horror: it could be a spot of fresh tomato, a sauce or ketchup, for example. Let's see how to treat them - and eliminate - in a few easy steps.
FRESH TOMATO - On washable fabrics you prepared a solution with ammonia and water in the proportions of 4 tablespoons of ammonia per liter of water. Place the part to be treated on a towel folded two or more times and dab the spot where the stain is located. Then, rub with soap Marseilles point treaty and proceed with the normal washing of the fabric. If you do not have ammonia in the house, you should try the hot milk, to be paid on the stain and leave for at least half an hour before washing.

SPOTS OF KETCHUP - They go first pass under the cold water. Next, take white vinegar and dilute with 50% water. Pour this solution on the stain, let stand an hour or more and then washed. If the stain has not disappeared, you can repeat the operation with only vinegar, leaving it for a couple of hours, before washing the head.

SPOTS OF SAUCE - You all know that this type of stain is very insidious, because the sauce is not only present but also the tomato oil, is not it? In this case, the first thing to do is pour some talcum powder on the stain without using water, but merely to cover the stain with the dust. Let it soak for about two hours and then brush the stain. Dab the spot dirt with a cloth dampened with water and ammonia as described above and washed the head as usual.