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Why eat cooked tomatoes hurts?

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The raw food seems to be the key to health and wellness.
It often happens that a person having made the choice to become a vegetarian, then discover the benefits of eating more and more second nature, which is a raw food vegan diet basically, because "the purpose is to derive nutrition from food nutrients for live "(Dr. G. Cocca).
Many studies now show that the fruits and vegetables in their most natural form, ie not modified by the fire or from industrial processes of preservation, are essential to the well-being and health, food because they are "alive", rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in the pure state. Cooking, in fact, kills the enzymes and most of the vitamins and nutrients. But in the case of tomatoes, the discourse is broader: not only eat raw tomatoes, fresh, preferably organic, allows the body (not involved in the elimination of toxins generated by cooking) to make the most of its properties, its content vitamin C, lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, vegetable fiber, sodium and potassium, but also consume cooked would be harmful to health.
According to Norman Walker, pioneer of raw food, defined man juice, eat tomatoes undergo cooking or canned tomatoes in the long run may be deleterious, as citric acid, malic acid and, to a lesser extent, oxalic, contained in them, with cooking, become inorganic, destructive, and have negative effects on health: supports, in fact, that "the kidney stones and bladder are the result of the consumption of cooked tomatoes or canned, or their juice treated especially when taken together in starch and sugar. "
Should be noted that these three acids contained in tomatoes in their organic form, that is vital, not destroyed by cooking, are very important for the physiological functions of the body. Like tomatoes, Norman Walker, in his bestseller "Juices fresh fruit and vegetables," says that, for the same reason to avoid the accumulation of oxalic acid crystals in the kidneys, even the spinach should never be eaten cooked.

source: it.blastingnews.com