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Tomato intolerance: diagnosis

Pubblished bykageja

Tomato intolerance, and the intolerance to all those aliments and sauces that contain it, is very common among the population, it is one of the most annoying , together with lactose and brewer’s yeast intolerance.
Not only  symptoms make annoying this condition , but also the widespread of aliments that contain tomato in our cooking : even stockcubes and frozen minestrone soup contain it.
In any case, when eating an aliment causes debilitating problems, the patient is happy to be careful: but in  the case of this vegetable is less easy than it seems.
Tomato intolerance symptoms are the same symptoms that can be provoked by other aliments or by nickel or by histamine. However in the case of these last two conditions, the patient gets worse eating the vegetable, so the symptoms don’t only create confusion to the diagnosis but also, to improve,  they require the elimination of tomato from the diet.

All typical symptoms of tomato intolerance can appear when the aliment is eaten both cooked and raw: but epidemiological data show that the most of patients gets worse after eating cooked tomatoes.
Unlike many intolerances, the most common symptoms don’t appear only in relation to the gastrointestinal tract.
In addition of swelling, stomacache and general signs of bad digestion , can appear: gastric reflux, that is sometimes felt as simple heartburn; more or less localized rash; welling or prurits around the mouth; skin rush.

Like in other intolerances, any symptoms is specific and is directly connected to the aliment assumption. The patient often suspects that the discomfort is connected to an aliment but he/she isn’t sure. First it’s useful going and speaking to a doctor, to exclude some more serious intestinal or skin pathologies.
Then, the clinic history will help the doctor towards an intolerance diagnosis. Some days of excluding diet will be able to confirm the suspicion and, sometimes, there aren’t necessary further tests.
This diet, quite restrictive in the case of tomato, will be followed by a rotation diet: free tomato assumption for a day and then its elimination from the diet for three days. This diet followed for about 4-5 weeks is useful to confirm the diagnosis and to facilitate the reintroduction of  an aliment, too.
Like in all the other problems connected to the aliment, the problem connected to the tomato shows its symptoms when the individual tolerance threshold is overcome. An intolerant patient could eat one of it everyday without negative effects.
All typical signs appear in nickel intolerant patients, too.
This metal, that is present everywhere, is quite concentrated in some aliments: tomato is one of these.
During the diagnostic process to define the intolerance, this could be an element of confusion. In any case it is a condition that would require the elimination of tomato from the diet.
The case of nickel isn’t isolated, histamine intolerance also presents the same effects of tomato intolerance and so it requires the elimination of  it from the diet .
The general predominance in population of histamine intolerance is of 1%, so it’s clear that it is considered and it is excluded before a definitive tomato intolerance diagnosis.

source: http://www.greenstyle.it/