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Barcelona: a restaurant opens to eat only «bread and tomato»

Pubblished bykageja

Somebody will say “it  isn’t necessary to dedicate a restaurant to it “, even if the “pa amb tomàquet” is a typical dish of catalan cooking and Balearic islands. Now, however, “bread and tomato” , this is the translation, has a place for itself.
Its name is  Bar Nou and it has just opened in the centre of Barcelona, between Plaza de la Universidad and Plaza Catalunya.
According to the creative director of the place, Miquel Àngel Vaquer , the idea was to restore substance to a dish now maltreated, realized with low value elements; getting back on semplicity of  bread ,tomato, oil and salt, but of top quality .
Making exellent a basic preparation, to realize according to the tradition,  rubbing (and not cutting) tomatoes cluster ( excellent , for example, those from Alcalà de Xivert, Castellón ) on country bread, and using only extra-virgin olive oil.
To eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
The Bar Nou also suggests some variations with wholemeal bread, focaccine, pretzels or bagels, not just like purists;  as the position ,in which the dish is prepared,  isn’t traditional, it’s similar to a dj position, and the location is all wood, mirrors and neon lights. This comford food will be sufficient to feel clients at home.    

Source: http: / /cucina.corriere.it