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Foods look like organs that they cures

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Maybe not all know the “signatura rerum”, the way with which it is possible to recognize similarities with our organs in plants and in particular in foods.
Well, it isn’t about coincidences, in fact there are foods who, just to their similarities with some of our organs, have themselves properties that cure them or who have preventive function regardering some pathologies. Here are some.

- Tomato : it’s true that there are many tomatoes varieties, but, even if  at first sight it can’t provoke any inspiration,  tomato looks like heart, infact it has the same red colour and when it is cut, it very often appears divided into four parts  as the heart. Infact tomatoes are a very important souce of lycopene that, how we have already had the opportunity to see, is able to prevent coronary diseases and help the organism to fight harmful effects of LDL cholesterol. In addition, according to a research done by scholars from Barcelona university, in Spain, the classical tomato sauce, made with extravirgin olive oil and onion or garlic, contains about 40 antioxidant substances that can protect heart from oxidative stress and so from ageing.

- Walnut, it appears with a shape very similar to that of our brain.: divided into 2 sides with their typical folds. Thanks to their nutrient content, welnuts help our cerebral transmitters function . For this reason, it would be a good thing to consume them above all when we feel tired, under stress and when our brain is in breathlessness….but without exaggeration.

- Celerypresents some analogies with our bones, do tibias say you nothing? Infact bones contain the 23% of sodium, exacly the same quantity that is present in celery. Like calcium, contained in this plant, sodium is essential to bones health and it carries out a rimineralising action.

- What does avocado remaind you? It’s a fruit very similar to the uterus. It seems that eating it helps to the prevencion of ovarian and cervix cancer, as well as to balance our hormones.

- Instead pancreas looks like sweet potato. This tuber helps to balance sugar levels in blood. Thanks to its hight roughage contain, if it is eaten, the sugar in blood results the 30% less than the consume of normal potatoes.

- The carrot internal section looks like human eye, infact carrots are good for eyes because tey contain beta-carotene, that is changed in A vitamins. They increase blood flow and in general improve sight. Carrots are also reach of other types of vitamins, mineral salt and starches that increase organism defences.

- Grape fruit, for its round shape, vaguely remainds to breast. It seems that this fruit protects from breast cancer.

- Ginger, a very strong anti-inflammatory, has a shape similar to the stomach. Infact it is advisable not only to fight different types of nausea, but also to stimulate billary secretion and digestive enzimes activity, allowing faster food digestion. A ginger infusioni s a best solution for who soffers of stomachaches.
- A mushroom, vertically cut, is similar to an auricle. This food contains D vitamin, important to hearing but also to the general bones health. It seems that there is a method to make sure that mushrooms become important supplements of this vitamin.

Source : http: //www.improntaunika.it