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Tomato and potato juice: eco-alternatives to icemelt salt

Pubblished bykageja

It’s certainly the most effective method to avoid that streets became ice sheets in the winter but the excess of salt on the lanes can be dangerous for plants and trees. Not only for those that spring up and grow up on the edges of the streets: vehicular traffic can also waste salts to 20 metres apart.  For this reason it’s essential to find alternative methods. Sugar beets juice, tomato and potato juice and cheese brine , could be a solution and could retire the old salt trucks.
For a long time now, several american towns have started testing out the alternatives proposed by researchers: for example the sugar beets juice  mixed with salt has permitted to reduce the necessary salt quantity. Excellent results are been obtained  by  barley leftovers derived from  vodka distillation process: from these leftovers Xianming Shi, professor of Washington State University, who , for a long time, is involved in alternatives more ecological than the classical use of salt, has succeeded in creating an antifreeze.
Shi himself is working on intelligent snowplough, too(equipped with particular sensors to reduce as much as possible the necessary quantity of salt )and on a road surface that doesn’t freeze, that could be used for paviments, too.

Source: www.repubblica.it